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Meet the Principal Night

Good Afternoon,

The CMHS PTO is sponsoring a “Meet the Principal” Night, where students, parents and members of the community will have an opportunity to meet Mrs. Holley – who will be the new Principal of Carver Public Schools as of March 1, 2016.

This event will be on Wednesday, February 10, 2016 from 6:30p – 7:30p with a CMHS PTO meeting to follow for anyone who would like to join! Please see the attached flyer for additional information.


Water Testing Results

Based on the last round of sampling of 20 water taps in our school 4 exceeded the Massachusetts and Federal levels for lead content.  The maximum level permitted is .015 milligrams per liter.  The four taps above the level tested at .017, .027, .036 and .021 milligrams per liter respectively.  To protect our students and staff have taken appropriate precautions.  Please see the attached document for additional information.  This letter was sent home with students Wednesday February 3, 2016



CMHS StuCo attends Leadership Conference

Twenty-five members of student council attended a winter leadership conference at Hanover High School on Thursday, January 14th.  The conference provided Carver High StuCo the opportunity to develop a menu of workshop and event ideas to bring back to Carver.  Mr. Tresca reports that “the students had a blast and learned so many great ideas that we can use for our own conference we are hosting on April 13th!”

Stuco winter confernece 2016

Habitat Build

On December 20th 15 Carver Middle High School students traveled to Marion, Massachusetts in order to participate in a Habitat for Humanity building project as part of their community service graduation requirement. Habitat for Humanity provides affordable housing for low income families worldwide and relies on the services of volunteers to complete their mission which has provided thousands of homes to deserving families for over 30 years. Participants included; Morgan Brown, Mary Chisholm, Matt Cotter, Clay Drew, Jessica Foster, Nicole Jankowski, Shawn Kelly, Rylie Lagerquist, Isabella Matterazzo, Ashley McInnis, Skylar McSweeney, Scott Parziale, Morgan Tumminelli, Noel Walton, and Brigette Wheeler under the direction of their American History teacher Thomas McLean.

Marion build 12-20-15 Marion build 12-20-15 b

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