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Middle High

Deletion of Student Drive Accounts

As we make important technology changes students should please note the following:

 On Monday, June 20th all student drive accounts  ( and anything stored in them – including gmail will be permanently deleted.   Students should make every effort to save any documents or presentations needed on a external device (flash drive) before that time.

Once accounts are deleted items cannot be restored.
Thank you!

Vacancy on Recreation Committee

Carver School Committee announces a vacancy on the RECREATION COMMITTEE for the 2016-2017 school year.  The School Committee has two appointments on an annual basis to this Committee to join other members appointed by the Selectmen/Town Administrator. Interested persons should submit a letter of interest to:

Carver School Committee, c/o Scott Knief, Superintendent of Schools, 3 Carver Square Blvd., Carver.

Grade 5 Parent Night

Parents/guardians of the current fifth graders are invited to attend an informational evening at Carver Middle High School on Tuesday, June 7th.  Tours of the building will be offered from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m.  Following the tours, members of the Carver Middle High School administration and school staff members will describe the transition to 6th grade and the program of studies for the 2016-2017 school year.

Team assignments will be distributed to a parent/guardian in attendance at the conclusion of the presentation.  If a parent/guardian is unable to attend, team assignments will be sent home with your child on June 8th.

This is a wonderful opportunity for parents/guardians to ask questions and to participate in their child’s transition to the middle school.

Bridge Design Finalists

Congratulations to Kyle Rizutto and Holly Lauzon who competed in the Engineering Encounters National Finals on Thursday May 26th, placing 21st out of 57 teams. They had 2 hours to design and test a virtual bridge.

Bridge Contest

The duo was 19th in the nation and third in the state after the qualifying round out of 8,811 registered teams.  This was the third year for these two competing in the Nationals and first year making it to the finals!

Cranberry Village Crew

On Saturday April 30th, eleven CMHS students participated in a Spring- Cleanup project at Cranberry Village in Carver as part of their community service requirement. The students raked and cleaned up the area around the Clubhouse and were treated to breakfast by the appreciative residents.


Accompanied by history department chair Brian Lamoureux, the students included…

  • Sophomores: Andrew Bumpus; Chris Burns; Nick Jones; Jonathan Letsche; Aiden Patten; Justin Roman and…
  • Juniors: Christian Bragalone; Cameron Keefe;  Alex Machado; Christopher Mallon; Madelyn Wright

Carver students have now volunteered at a number of clean-ups and fundraisers organized by Helping Hands—a group led by Pat Henderson that serves the residents of Cranberry Village. Students who would like to volunteer at Helping Hand’s 3rd Annual Fundraiser, June 25th should contact Mr. Lamoureux.



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