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Gr 8 – NAEP Assessment

On Wednesday, January 30, Grade 8 students will participate in the NAEP Assessment.

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), often called The Nation’s Report Card, is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what students in public and private schools in the United States know and are able to do in various subjects. Since 1969, NAEP has been a common  measure of student achievement across the country in mathematics, reading, science, and many other subjects. Depending on the assessment, NAEP report cards provide national, state, and some district-level results, as well as results for different demographic groups.

NAEP is a congressionally mandated project of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), located within the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences. NAEP data are also  used in special studies conducted by NCES. These have included comparisons of proficiency standards across state assessments; insights from high school transcripts, including courses taken and credits earned; and in-depth looks at how different demographic groups perform across different types of schools.

The National Assessment Governing Board, an independent, bipartisan organization made up of governors, state school superintendents, teachers, researchers, and representatives of the general public, sets policy for NAEP.


The Nation’s Report Card website has resources for all audiences (  in addition, please note the  following resources that may be helpful to parent/guardians and students:



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