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About the Middle High

Main Phone Number: (508) 866-6130

Principal: Christine Cabral
Assistant Principals:  Dillon Antell | Sean McInnis

Carver Middle High School is within a mile of the center of town and provides a secondary campus setting for our students. Directions

Monitoring Student Progress

Carver Middle High School will be using the new ASPEN information system for their parent/teacher communications.

Teachers will be using the ASPEN program to record your student’s grades throughout the year and a tentative schedule is posted as well. This program will allow students and parents/guardians to access grading information online on a regular basis.  When parents/guardians access this account, they will be able to view their student’s portion of the gradebook for each class.

Teachers are expected to keep this program updated on a bi-weekly basis. If you have any questions or problems setting up your account please contact the main office at 508-866-6130.

Please click the link below for a step by step parent guide:
Aspen How to’s:  Carver’s Family Portal QRC

Report Cards

Each term is 45 days in length. Report cards are issued within 10 days of the close of a term.

Late Night

Each teacher has one late night per week. Monday – Thursday are the nights that may be scheduled for extra help or detention. Contact teachers via voicemail or email/Message.
See Staff Directory.

Agenda Books

Students in grade 6 are given an agenda book. This book should be kept in the student’s Master Notebook. Homework assignments are written in the Agenda Book and many parents communicate with teachers through the Agenda Book.



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